
Delta Air Lines - TRC Checklist

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Date: 12.02. - Flight No.: - TRC 3LC:

Pre-Flight Briefing with ALA

Check Availability of Staff/Equipment [21289] aeroground

Check Chocking/Coning

Check adherence to Ramp Safety procedures

Check back stairs positioned/door opened

Check if blankets are positioned at back stairs

Cleaners on position at disembarkation end

Fuel Truck on position [STD -90]

Water Service on position [STD-80]

Lavatory Service on position [STD-80]
Lavatory Sheet completed

Lavatory Sheet: Truck No. transmitted to [91618] DL OPS

Crew 0/B [STD-70] -> Call [91618] DL OPS if delayed or call [21285] bus dispo to see wether the crewbus is already on its way.

DL Fuel Sheet completed and fuel figures transmitted to [91618] DL OPS

DL Fuel Sheet: ALA entered Name/PPR Number

DL Fuel Sheet: White Copy to flight crew

Check cleaning/security check progress/ communicate boarding start to gate

Check red/green light for passenger boarding/ give thumbs up to bus driver when needed

Monitor bus arrival/safe embarkation of passengers

Monitor TOBT and adjust if necessary [check with gate/ALA]

Check Quick Reference for further infos/ Ask ALA if in doubt
Inform OPS/Station asap in case of any irregs or foreseeable delays

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Erstellt am 20.12.2024

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Gültig ab 20.12.2024